Sunday, October 5, 2008

Okay. I finally understand why waitresses can mess up your order. It's HARD. Especially when you have 5 or 6 people, who all want either hamburgers or cheeseburgers, but some want it on wheat, others want to hold the pickle and tomato, and don't forget the honey mustard on the side...and you have to remember which goes with which...

Yeah, I really botched a few orders. Like, the other waitress had to go out and retake it because the tab I had marked (WHICH little box is for grilled onions??) was positively indecipherable. But luckily everyone was very tolerant of me. Although one gentlemen was a bit displeased that I didn't get his extra mayonnaise to him fast enough. Oh, and I forgot to bring a few people their drinks. Sorry, they ordered two!

On the bright side, I get as much rootbeer as I want and the tips are awesome. Providing I do everything right, of course. The cook and the waitress were both amazing--they dug me out of the pit of confusion on multiple occasions.

Oh, and did I mention that Sky jumped 4 ft yesterday??? :D


Corinth said...

SWEEEET. I think I'm going to apply at a restaurant next. XD

Luke Holmes said...

Wow, sounds like a ton of fun :D

Ha, I think it's funny how you mention Sky in nearly every post... XD